Five Reasons to Be Motivated About Working Out Every Morning

6 min readNov 23, 2021


For the majority of employees, their daily lives are an endless cycle in which they repeat the same actions every day that they have work. Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, spend the majority of time at work, head home, dinner then sleep. Perhaps once in a while, special events can add to the uniqueness of the day. Simply going through a day just for work is not good; it can be boring and exhausting.

It would be great to incorporate a new routine into your daily life that will allow you to be in peak physical, mental, and emotional condition for work. Simple morning workouts not only take up little time, but also provide numerous benefits. Working out every morning can be life changing. To get and keep you motivated, here are five reasons why you should have your own workout routine.

  1. Working out benefits both your mental and emotional health

When you workout, chemicals called endorphins and serotonin are released. Endorphins are responsible for eliciting a positive feeling that aids in the relief of pain and stress. Working out on a regular basis can increase your serotonin levels, resulting in better sleep cycles and a healthy appetite. It also boosts your mood. Working out diverts your mind from negative thoughts and allows you to gain a sense of focus, regulation, and confidence. Simply put, doing some activities every morning can help you release stress and have a better mood at work, which can lead to you being more productive and looking forward to the day.

2. Good memory, reasoning, and decision-making abilities

During a workout, your heart rate increases. The greater amount of oxygenated blood is then pumped to the brain which eventually leads to the release of some hormones that helps in the growth of brain cells. Not only these growth factors are being enhanced, but another benefit also involves the ability to reduce resistance to insulin. Working out can help protect our memory as we age as it helps avoid total brain volume loss and negative impacts on some specific part of our brain, which leads to poor brain function. Better brain function can help you have an excellent work performance.

3. Helps in becoming and staying physically fit

When people are exhausted from work, the first thing that comes to mind is to eat in order to gain energy. It is not good for our health to keep on eating without burning out calories. Excessive eating can lead to obesity, which can have a significant negative impact on your daily life. People whose goal is to lose weight and become physically fit should workout longer until the calories consumed in physical activities exceed the calories obtained from eating. If your weight is proportionate to your height and body type, length of time of working out must result in burning energy equal to the calories consumed through food is sufficient. Keep in mind that physical fitness is important in our workplace. Being easily or barely exhausted has a variety of effects on our organisational outcomes.

4. Greatly reduces the risk of certain illnesses

Various health benefits can be attained from working out. Like for example, exercising can lower blood sugar levels which can help you in managing or reducing potential chances of having diabetes. It also improves blood circulation, which if you have a poor one can lead to heart diseases such as cancer, high cholesterol or high blood, and coronary heart disease. Not only heart cancer, but working out also lowers the risk of having colon, breast, and lung cancer.

5. Results into better skin condition

When we move our bodies, we improve our blood circulation and can prolong the appearance of skin maturation by promoting skin cell adaptation. A phenomenon in which imbalance between the synthesis of oxygen in cell tissues, as well as the capability to detoxify free radicals, induces oxidative stress. An unnecessary increase of antioxidants can disrupt collagen fibers and skin cellular activities, contributing to skin diseases. Obesity and high cholesterol and sugar diets are some that can contribute to oxidative stress. Working out moderately and on a regular basis helps in protecting the body cells as the body’s production of natural antioxidants is balanced. Not only that, but exercise is a great way to avoid obesity and lower cholesterol and sugar levels in the body, so we reduce our chances of developing oxidative stress. By doing so, we can improve our skin condition, which will boost our confidence as we face another day at work.

Now that you’re feeling more motivated, here are a few more good tips for you.

· Be optimistic. You should enjoy what you will be doing and what you are doing now. It is preferable to enjoy the activities that you will be doing regularly. As you get used to it, it will feel even less exhausting. Treat it like a hobby and let’s work out with a big smile on our faces.

· Stay committed. If motivation is what gets you started, being committed is something else. Commitment is what keeps you going, and you should be just as dedicated to your workouts as you are to your job. Remember that working out is more than just a recreational activity. Committing to doing workouts every morning will result in improved health and lifestyle.

· Take everything slowly but surely. If you are a beginner, it is best to begin with light workouts such as yoga. Exercising could last no more than 30 minutes. As the days or weeks pass, add more time. Do not overextend yourself; instead, perform movements that are within your capabilities. When you feel better and more confident that you can hold your energy for longer periods of time and perform more difficult exercises, you can push yourself to the limits of your abilities.

· Make working out as one of your priorities. Your job may be exhausting, and you may wish you could sleep more. Still, it is beneficial to feel motivated and energetic in the morning in order to feel better throughout the day. It is preferable to do your workouts first thing in the morning because you have more time available during that period of the day. Also, determine the type of workout based on the amount of time you have available as you have also a job to attend to.

Since you are now aware of all of these, make a plan and get yourself up. Let’s start a new day by working out and staying healthy!

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